The 5 Pillars of Self-Reliance
1) Trust
More than anything else this is about trusting yourself, your heart, and your ideas. Trusting someone means that you think they are reliable, you have confidence in them and you feel safe with them physically and emotionally. Trust is something that two people in a relationship can build together when they decide to trust each other.
2) Courage
Following y0our unique path may be the most courageous act of all. ou need courage to begin something. …Courage is the secret sauce that allows you to act despite your fears. Courage gives you the ability to put aside your fear of failure and take the first steps. Courage helps you overcome the fear of rejection and engage your stakeholders.
3) Curiosity
To wonder, explore, and experience — it’s all we are here to do. Curiosity can be described as positive emotions and acquiring knowledge; when one’scuriosity has been aroused it is considered inherently rewarding and pleasurable. Discovering new information may also be rewarding because it can help reduce undesirable states of uncertainty rather than stimulating interest.
4) Non-judgment
The reason non-judgment is used is that left alone, the brain will automatically judge things as good or bad, right or wrong, fair or unfair, important or unimportant, urgent or non-urgent, and so on. … Be aware when the brain is automatically judging a situation or a person, and we can pause and get some perspective.
5) Resilience
History has shown that the most successful entrepreneurs have a way of reframing every success and failure as little more than a chance to learn. Resilience and well-being
In difficult times, it can be hard to stay positive and find our balance. Being resilientenables us to protect ourselves from getting too overwhelmed by stress, predicts well-being, and can protect us from developing mental health difficulties